Saturday, December 2, 2017

Five Reasons you do not lose Fat when Dieting

Are you dieting and not losing fat? You are not aware of some common diet mistakes that you may be committing. Kathleen Zelman, Director of Nutrition for WebMD, says that you “may be eating a lot more calories than you think when you are on a diet”. You can check out the common diet mistakes everyone makes as per Adam Bornstein who contributes to `’ by writing articles on weight loss strategies. 1. Not sticking to the basics – Exercises are created to relax you. Your workout has to be enjoyable. You are not going to get fit any faster if you are doing a ball balancing act on one leg. The basics will get you the same results. You will find them in the classic multi-muscle exercises such as squats and dead lifts. The fat on your butts and legs will definitely melt. While doing this, you cannot eat whenever you feel like. Do not be a victim of “eating amnesia” when you put your hand to mouth without knowing it. This happens mostly in front of a television in your living room when you snatch something from a packet or while reading a book. How can you kick this habit of mindless eating? You can get out of this habit by trying a cup of tea or a glass of water or simply chewing sugarless gum. 2. Performing more Cardio – Cardio may help you burn those calories and fat but it is not the answer or a primary solution. It is the weight training that is more likely to burn your fat. Cardio has to be secondary to weight training. Our hectic daily schedules have made us get into the unhealthy habit of eating fast. Tara Gidus, a Spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, says, “We need to adopt more of the leisurely European-style eating so that we can savor our food”. 3. There is no intensity in your workout – People try to focus more on the social aspect in the gym than concentrate on the workout itself, particularly if they go to the gym with a cycle of friends. Workout has to be intense and short. The idea is to feel your muscles work while sweating it out. You must be skipping meals besides going to the gym. Breakfast skipping is a big mistake. Research has shown that breakfast eaters weigh less on an average than breakfast skippers. Two meals, at least per day, should be taken. 4. Taking in too many liquid calories – You may not know but liquid calories from sodas, teas, sweetened juices, coffee and smoothies add that extra fat on to you. Alcohol is also in this list. A study has found that more than twenty per cent of people get their extra calories from beverages. 5. Choosing unhealthy Add-ons – When you are on a diet, you try to increase the portions in the size of your snacks or meals for the simple reason that you feel you are doing regular exercise and also skipping meals. You also develop a habit of topping your topping your diet salads with high-fat add-ons like creamy dressings, croutons, bacon and cheese.

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