Sunday, February 28, 2021

Job security has become an illusion today

Job security has become an elusive concept today. You could be thrown off your job all of a sudden in these difficult times. Not many people think about quitting a job today unless they have already got another. But there are many cases when leaving a job can be involuntary and can come all of a sudden when you are least prepared mentally and professionally for being on the job search. You can be laid off for a simple reason that your employer suddenly decided to cut costs. No company is in the best of shapes today. It is not easy to guess as to who will get the axe next at your job place. There are ways to go about assessing such a situation. It is important for you to know that you are not alone in this insecurity syndrome. Even if you are sacked, it does not mean for your next employer that it is because of your inability or performance at work. In the past few years, many top performers have been sacked for no reason. The only logic is that they were too expensive to keep for a company or that they had become redundant for their employer with business not getting the expected profits.

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