Monday, February 19, 2018

Ten Most Likely Causes of Low Back Pain

1. Sprains and Injuries – A simple sprain of a muscle or a ligament while lifting something heavy or after an awkward twisting movement could give us low back pain. Injuries to the back with trauma or fracture will also result in low back pain. 2. Awkward Seating – An improper seating position during the day while we are at our workstations may also result in low back pain. 3. Sleeping Position – Low back pain can result by a wrong sleeping position or the kind of mattress that we are sleeping on. 4. Pregnancy - The expanding uterus will shift the center of gravity and stretch out the abdominal muscles resulting in the weakening of the muscles, changing of the posture and straining of the back. 5. Menstrual Periods – Women, during their menstrual cycle, will experience intense low back pain as the uterus contracts and presses against the surrounding muscles. 6. Obesity – Carrying the bulky weight is a common cause of back pain. 7. Degenerated Discs – Back aches may result from deterioration in the disc condition of the spine. 8. Herniated Disc - A spinal nerve may become trapped when the disc ruptures and presses outward, straining the lumbar spine. Some spinal nerves could be pinched to give us continuous pain. 9. Arthritis – A common cause of back ache in elderly adults is arthritis of the spine. It feels worse when they lie down to sleep. 10. Cervical Stenosis - It is a tightening of the spinal cord that can result in considerable back pain.

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