Friday, August 10, 2018

Anbar Bibi Mausoleum

In the Zangiota village of the Tashkent region, about fifteen kilometers away from the main city, close by to the Zangiota Mausoleum lies the Anbar Bibi Mausoleum. It is also known as `Kambarana’. Anbar Bibi was the wife of the great Sufi Saint Sheikh Ai Khodja ibn Mansur who is also buried nearby in the northeast. His mausoleum is also a famous tourist destination for all people visiting Tashkent. The Zangiota Mausoleum and the Anbar Bibi Mausoleum were built by Amir Temur Lang in 1397. Anbar Bibi is the saint woman of Zangiota village who is patronized by all women, particularly mothers. This Mausoleum has become a popular pilgrimage destination for women from all parts of Central Asia. The mausoleum is the burial vault of Anbar Bibi, her mother who was called `Ulug Pashi’ and Sheikh Ai Khodja ibn Mansur’s mother who was called `Bakirgani’. Anbar Bibi and her mother Ulug Pashi assisted all women of the village in resolving matters of social and religious concerns and settling disputes. Before he died, Zangiota (Sheikh Ai Khodja ibn Mansur) requested that all pilgrims, whether they were male or female, visit the graves of his wife and his mother in law. Today, on Fridays and holidays, the Zangiota village draws hundreds of people from Uzbekistan and even remote regions of Central Asia. Anbar Bibi’s Mausoleum is situated southwest of the Zangiota Mausoleum. There are three headstones in one chamber. The building is crosswise and is covered by double sphere conical cupolas on the arch canvases. The walls were made with burnt bricks. There is a big garden and beyond the main entrance is a hall of prayer.

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